Sharia banks in conducting business activities must be based on sharia principles. Based on the mandate
of Law Number. 21 of 2008 concerning Islamic Banking and BI Regulation Number. 6/24 / PBI / 2004 that
the DSN has the duty and authority to stipulate fatwas regarding products and services in the business
activities of Banks which carry out business activities based on Sharia principles. To ensure that the deposit
products at Bank Muamalat comply with the standards set by the DSN, a research was conducted at Bank
Muamalat Indonesia, the Palu branch. Deposit products at the Palu branch of Bank Muamalat Indonesia
use the Mudharabah Mutlaqah contract, where BMIs are given freedom in managing customer funds. Then
it is reviewed on the rules of the DSN-MUI Fatwa Number. 03 / DSN-MUI / IV / 2000 based on the 6-point
provision that must be implemented to achieve sharia principles. In its implementation, the mudharabah
time deposit product run by Bank Muamalat Indonesia, Palu branch has met these provisions. so the
product of mudharabah time deposits or deposits in the Palu branch of Bank Muamalat Indonesia is in
accordance with the fatwa.
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