Islamic financial institutions are increasingly showing their existence, which encourages us to be more selective in choosing one of these institutions to use their services. We need to pay attention to the compatibility of applying the principles of Islamic law in its activity. The question of how the process of managing funds is managed, as well as whether the process is in accordance with Islamic law is something that must be answered. The results of the study indicate that the fund management process at BMT Al-Muhajirin Toili has been systemized quite well in the welfare of its members both in savings and financing products. According to Islamic law perspective regarding the process of fund management, there is still confusion, especially in the implementation of murabahah and mudharabah contracts, this happens because the human resources used at BMT Al-Muhajirin Toili are not fully qualified, so it often causes gharar in the contract. In addition, in the transaction process there is still usury due to the use of conventional interest-based accounts.
Semakin banyaknya lembaga keuangan syariah, maka kita akan semakin selektif dalam memilih. Sehingga kita perlu memperhatikan tentang kesesuaian penerapan prinsip-prinsip hukum Islam di dalam operasionalnya. Pertanyaan mengenai bagaimana proses manajemen pengelolaan dana, serta apakah proses tersebut telah sesuai dengan hukum Islam menjadi hal yang harus terjawab. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa proses manajemen pengelolaan dana di BMT Al-Muhajirin Toili telah tersistem dengan cukup baik dalam mensejahterakan anggotanya baik pada produk simpanan maupun pembiayaan. Adapun tinjauan hukum Islam mengenai proses manajemen pengelolaan dananya masih terdapat kebingungan, khususnya dalam penggunaan akad murabahah dan mudharabah, hal ini terjadi karena sumber daya yang digunakan di BMT Al-Muhajirin Toili belum sepenuhnya sesuai dengan bidang keilmuan, sehingga sering menimbulkan gharar dalam berakad. Selain itu, dalam dalam proses transaksi masih terdapat riba karena penggunaan rekening konvensional yang berbasis bunga.
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