Bank Mega Syariah Palu Branch applies the qardh contract to a multi contract financial product that is used in conjunction with the Hawalah contract, and the Ijarah (fee) contract. Qardh loan according to Bank Mega Syariah is a distribution of funds based on the agreement between the borrower and the bank in accordance with sharia principle. This is based on Indonesia law system Fatwa No. 79/DSN-MUI/2011. Qardh multi contract financial products are manifested from the principles of Islamic economic law in leading to world affairs, so that the habit is used as legal considerations. Loan in Islamic economic law is explained through the principle of binding accountability. However, it cannot be denied that in the Covid-19 pandemic period there are often difficulties in the debtor in returning the loan so that legal support system is needed.
Bank Mega Syariah Cabang Palu mengaplikasikan akad qardh ke dalam produk keuangan multi akad yang digunakan bersamaan dengan akad hawalah, dan akad ijarah (ujrah). Pinjaman qardh menurut Bank Mega Syariah merupakan penyaluran dana yang didasarkan atas persetujuan atau kesepakatan antara peminjam dan pihak bank sesuai dengan prinsip wasathiyah. Hal ini didasarkan pada Fatwa DSN-MUI No. 79/DSN-MUI/2011. Produk keuangan qardh multi akad terwujud dari prinsip hukum ekonomi syariah dalam bermuamalah pada urusan dunia, sehingga kebiasaan tersebut dijadikan pertimbangan hukum. Urusan pinjam meminjam dalam hukum ekonomi syariah diterangkan melalui prinsip pertanggungjawaban yang bersifat mengikat. Namun, tak dapat dipungkiri di masa pandemi Covid-19 sering terjadi kesulitan pada debitur dalam mengembalikan pinjamannya sehingga diperlukannya dukungan payung hukum
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